© Copyright 2024 Old Mission. All rights reserved. Services are provided in the U.S. by Old Mission Capital LLC and Old Mission Markets LLC, both SEC-registered broker dealers and members of FINRA (www.finra.org). Each of these entities is a wholly owned subsidiary of Old Mission Group LLC. This material is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or other financial instrument.

Intensely focused problem solvers

Who we are


Extremely complex problems can take years to solve - even with the best minds working on them.

As a quantitative market maker, that’s what excites us: identifying opportunities to add value in the markets and engineering custom solutions to capitalize on our ideas.

Old Mission is privately held — we set our own expectations. We don’t answer to shareholders, analysts, or the quarterly earnings cycle. We are free to think long term, deliberately engineering unique solutions to the market’s most pressing problems.

A trusted partner

We work with the world’s largest exchanges, banks, and brokers as a trusted partner in financial markets. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct and always act with the long-term interests of our customers, partners, and the markets in mind.



A trusted partner

How we got here

In 2008 we saw an opportunity in the ETF market — by pursuing a unique approach and engineering custom technology, we were able to price and trade illiquid securities more efficiently than the market. Over time, our knowledge and codebase grew and eventually developed into a platform that allows us to make markets in a wide range of securities that covers nearly every exchange-traded asset class.

Old Mission has over a decade of experience as a quantitative market making firm, a unique history of developing new strategies from scratch, and a track record of successfully managing risk during extreme volatility and market uncertainty. But we don’t rest on our laurels – we’re committed to constantly improving all aspects of our organization to ensure we remain an industry leading liquidity provider.

How we got here

Most importantly, we are a team

Our quantitative traders are curious, analytical, and competitive.

Our traders are tremendously skilled at developing pricing models and trading strategies. Traders take a great amount of care in assessing firm risk and efficiently allocating capital in real time, using our proprietary models and systems.

Our engineers are creative, precise, and methodical.

Our engineers work closely with traders to design systems, algorithms and strategies that interact with markets. Our robust, high-performance, globally distributed systems consume market data, run models, interact with exchanges, and keep track of all our positions, orders, and trades around the clock.

Our operations specialists are detail oriented, efficient, and technical.

At its core, our operations team provides support for growth, and completes many of the day-to-day functions our other teams rely on to compete in the financial markets. Old Mission’s team is lean, efficient, and focused on automating critical business processes. They strive to measure all aspect of our business. Things that get measured get managed, so we measure everything we can think of.